Our Journey

  • 2006
    • PT Surya Esa Perkasa (SEP) established

  • 2007
    • First commercial production of LPG & Condensate

  • 2011
    • Acquires 60% shares of PT Panca Amara Utama (PAU)

  • 2012
    • SEP is listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX ticker: ESSA)

  • 2013
    • SEP signs USD 75,000,000 loan facility with Bank UOB Indonesia for working capital facility and equity funding in PAU

    • SEP issues 100,000,000 new shares through a Non-Preemptive Rights Issuance

    • SEP start expansion project to increase LPG Design Capacity

  • 2014
    • PAU signs 55 MMSCFD Gas Supply Agreement with JOBPMTS

    • SEP completes Expansion Project. 60% increase in LPG Design Capacity to 190 TPD

  • 2015
    • PAU signs Ammonia Offtake Agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan

    • PAU appoints PT Rekayasa Industri as EPC Contractor

    • Groundbreaking of PAU by President RI, Mr. Joko Widodo

  • 2017
    • 10 years of operations with Zero Accident

  • 2018
    • Commercial Production of Ammonia and achieved continuous production above 2,200 TPD

    • Completed Pre-emptive Rights Issue of USD 36,000,000

  • 2019
    • 1st Full Year of Ammonia Production 766,988 MT

  • 2020
    • Completed Non-Preemptive Rights Issue USD 13,000,000 for additional investment in PAU

  • 2021
    • Blue Ammonia Production MoU signed through PAU with Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), Mitsubishi Corporation and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

    • Group rebranding

    • IFC loan fully refinanced